The Age of Madness

The People Executed in the French Revolution 1792-1796

updated 28 Aug 2024

Search the French Revolution database of victims executed for crimes against the ever-evolving stages of the new Republic of France. The recorded information, provided by Louis M. Prud’homme, is a census, or ‘dictionnaire’ of each executed person with genealogical information. Not everyone who were tried and sentence to death, were guillotined or were French.. There were executions by firing squad, hanging, drownings and other nasty ways. Besides the French people, executions included Germanic states, Dutch, Italians, Irish and English victims as well.

Were any of your French Ancestors condemned to die by one of the many types of courts and tribunals?

This is what you may find

What you need to know

  • Last Name
  • First Name
  • Age
  • Profession & Position
  • Military
  • Place of Birth (village & department)
  • Place of Residence (village & department)
  • Charges against the Accused
  • Date of Trial & Execution
  • Town or Department of Trial & Execution
  • Extra info

  • This is a MASSIVE ONGOING PROJECT (check back regularly)
  • All the data is in French (you’ll need an online translator)
  • There will be mistakes of spelling, or French cities in wrong departments (ex: Lyon in department of Seine)
  • The database is from 1792-1796
  • Blanks fields means there was no recorded information
  • ‘Natif’ doesn’t necessarily mean a person was born in that town (ex: natif de Nismes, but né Lyon, Rhône)
  • Last names (nom) can have slight spelling variations. (Ex: Clavier/Claviere/Clavierre)


  • Enter name to search, & click the magnifying glass
  • Find and click on a name in the results page
  • Form Page will pop-up
  • All recorded information will be displayed
  • Not all executed were French
  • Not sure of the spelling? Enter the first 3 letters of the name

Search the Database for Your French Ancestors

You Will Need an Online Translator!

Names Beginning with:
A, B, E, F, I, J, K, N, O, Q, U, V, W, Z

Partially Completed:
Names Beginning with:
T, C, D, G, H, L, M, R, S

Source and Citations: Prudhomme, L. M. (1796). Dictionnaire des individus envoyés à la mort judiciairement: révolutionnairement et contre-révolution, pendant la révolution France  Tome Premier (Volumne I ) & Tome II (volumne II )Google Books

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